Thursday, February 22, 2007

What are tell-tale signs of a love gone bad?

Tell-tale signs of love gone bad is when you notice that your friends g/f or b/f just isn't right for them and know that their relationship is not going to last. For example, I have a that had the rudest and ugliest boyfriend, and they didn't make a cute couple ever. He thought he was so cute and that every in the school wanted him. He flirted with every girl he saw and that he was along with. She was so stupid to go with him. They broke up a couple of times and he went with her friend, and then when he broke up with her friend she still decide to go back with. However, she didn't seem to see anything wrong with that, but the good thing is that they finally broke up for good and now they go to different schools.

What are tell-tale signs of a love gone bad?

Tell-tale signs of love gone bad is when you noticethat your friends g/f or b/f just isn't right for them and know that their relationship is not going to last. For example, I have a that had the rudest and ugliest boyfriend, and they didn't make a cute couple ever. He thought he was so cute and that every in the school wanted him. He flirted with every girl he saw and that he was along with. She was so stupid to go with him. They broke up a couple of times and he went with her friend, and then when he broke up with her friend she still decide to go back with. However, she didn't seem to see anything wrong with that, but the good thing is that they finally broke up for good and now they go to different schools.