Sunday, March 18, 2007

Free Write

By: Alicia Keys
"I love this song and it is playing in my head. So, I fell like writing it out"

If I gave you forever
Would you take care of me
Would you take me for granted
Run away
Those wonderful things that you do
They got me feelin in love with you

Lovin you is easy
Comes so naturaly
Lovin you is easy
Comes so naturally

I will give you laughter
Oh so much more than that
Anything you're after
I will climb the highest mountain to bring it back
You better believe
Those wonderful things that you do
They got me feelin in love with you

I will stay by your side
Whether I'm wrong
Whether I'm right
Oh it's incredible
With you I intend to spend the rest of my life....


"What if you and your bestfriend likes the same person, and what are the rules?"

Let's say that you and your bestfriend likes the same boy/girl then both of you should just promise eachother that you all will not fall for the same person! Also, i don't think that if you were dating someone you would want your bestfriend to be flirting and liking the same person you go with. Boys/Girls come and go but friends last forever. Fighting over someone you think is cute or that you like, is not worth breaking up a friendship. Most Importantly, the rules are that friends don't go with other friends boyfriend or girlfriend, that is a big no no. Even if, your bestfriend broke up with their bf/gf, and you liked them it wouldn't be right for you to go with them. However, I have seen a lot of movies and read a lot of books on things like this, but I have never really exprienced this.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

What are tell-tale signs of a love gone bad?

Tell-tale signs of love gone bad is when you notice that your friends g/f or b/f just isn't right for them and know that their relationship is not going to last. For example, I have a that had the rudest and ugliest boyfriend, and they didn't make a cute couple ever. He thought he was so cute and that every in the school wanted him. He flirted with every girl he saw and that he was along with. She was so stupid to go with him. They broke up a couple of times and he went with her friend, and then when he broke up with her friend she still decide to go back with. However, she didn't seem to see anything wrong with that, but the good thing is that they finally broke up for good and now they go to different schools.

What are tell-tale signs of a love gone bad?

Tell-tale signs of love gone bad is when you noticethat your friends g/f or b/f just isn't right for them and know that their relationship is not going to last. For example, I have a that had the rudest and ugliest boyfriend, and they didn't make a cute couple ever. He thought he was so cute and that every in the school wanted him. He flirted with every girl he saw and that he was along with. She was so stupid to go with him. They broke up a couple of times and he went with her friend, and then when he broke up with her friend she still decide to go back with. However, she didn't seem to see anything wrong with that, but the good thing is that they finally broke up for good and now they go to different schools.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Odyssey Quiz

1.What have you learned about Greek culture, values, and religion? Address the roles of women and men, honor and virtues, gods and goddesses, etc.

I have learned that Greek culture has many beliefs and traditions. The Greek values is that they will offer a lamb or goat to exchange something. The gods and goddesses rule almost everything such as land, the sea, winds, the sun, etc. They are very religious and the men and women ask them for everything to help them see their way through. Also, in the Greek culture the women takes care of the house cooking, cleaning dishes, washing clothes and most importantly serving their men. The men rules the house and they make all the decisions aroud the house hold.

2. What resonated with you in reading about Odysseus’ adventures? Why?

When reading the Odyssey, Odysseus adventures resonated with me when we had been fighting in the war for some years and he wanted to be home with his wife, but the gods refused to let him be. He had been gone from his home for most of his life. He had to face a lot of danger, but he still had the faith that he would somehow get home. Odysseus was faced with Cyclops that giant with one big eye in the middle of
his forehead, Calypso the nymph, and Circe who wanted to have endless sex with him. He had been gone from his home for most of his life.

3. This epic poem is dated nearly 3000 years ago, why is it still relevant?
This epic poem is still relevant because it is a classic in literature. Also, this poem is very enjoyable to read, and learn from. To add on to that, a lot of our literature is from the greek teaching, such as the prefix of our english words. I also think that by reading this it can enable you to learn how to write better. It also talks about everything like love, lust, hate, war, etc., mostly everything that’s going on today. In addition to that I think that a lot of stories and movies originated from this epic poem.

Short Answers-

4. How would you characterize the narrator, the fictive "Homer" whose voice we imagine as singing the verses of the Odyssey?

Homer is an intelligent man who can tell great adventurous stories. I think that Homer in his day was a mysterious person who had mythical like dreams.

5. What kinds of behavior are treated as contemptible in the Odyssey?

When the men were in Odysseus house trying to get Penelope to marry one them, they were mean, stubborn, and indulging in their on pride to her.

6. How does the poem represent mortal women? Since Penelope is the most important woman in the Odyssey, what qualities does she possess, and how does she respond to the troubles she faces? (Some of the other women are of note, too-Eurycleia the serving woman, the faithless maidservants, Nausicaa the Phaeacian princess, and Helen of Sparta, Menelaus' queen, whose elopement with Prince Paris sparked the Trojan War.)

Penelope possess faithfulness to her husband, and she is very patient. She faces her troubles very calmly and takes time to think things out.

7.How do Homer's gods think and behave? How do their actions and motivations differ from the conception of god in other religions of which you have knowledge? What role do the Homeric gods play in human affairs, and what is the responsibility of humans with respect to those

Homer's gods think and behave like they are wisest of all, and if you come to them wrong they will make you pay by teaching you a lesson you will never forget. There kind of like mortals in a way. The responsibility of the humans was to give them nothing but respect and obey them.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Out of the three Miyazaki movies we watched in class, I have only seeen Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. I think that they are similar because in both of these movies it has something to do with little girls ending up in adventures worlds, and finding their way.
In the movie Spirited Away, the girl and her family moves to the suburbs. The little girl wanders off somewhere while her parents are in town eating all kinds of delicious food in the restaurants. Then all of sudden her parents changed into pigs, while eating the food. Therefore, she wandered off looking for people and ends up in a world filled with gods, witches, spirits, and creatures. Spirited away was one of the few animated movies that I actually thought it good. The movie was fantastic.
In the other movie My Neighbor Totoro, two girls move to a kind of creepy looking house in the country to be with their sick mother who is in the hospital, and they have fun with these magical spirit creatures in the forest that lives near them. I liked this movie a little bit, but I fell asleep during the fist half of the movie.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

~*~Choose Your Death*/*Obsessive Compulsive~*~

If I had to choose the way I wanted to die, I would want to die in my sleep, and everything that happened in my life would flash before me. Meaning that every single thing in my life from the time I was born til the time I die will flash before my eyes. It’s more like a peaceful death to me. Matter of fact, I would like it if God warned me that I am going to die, before it happens. So, that, I will be able to have time to repent all of my sins. I want to be able to say all of my prayers and pray for everyone including my enemies too.

My obsessive compulsive is that I can’t live without my cell phone. I must have my cell phone at all times or I will not be a happy person. Without my cell phone is like losing a best friend. I remember when I lost my phone one day last year. I was so depressed and hurt. It felt like the world was coming to an end. I thought that I would never find it. I mean I looked everywhere. I looked all around the house, all through my purses, all in my book bag, even retraced my steps. I still couldn’t find it. I had called all of my friends and asked them had they seen my phone, and they all said nope. However, my mom suggested that looked in the car for it. So, I looked and still didn’t have any hope in finding it. I pouted and groped all day. I had blamed everyone. Then the next day I found my cell phone on the back seat in my mom’s car.


I remember when I was younger I used to think that school was so much fun. School was much easier back then. Learning was fun also to me. I also, remember having nap time after lunch and from having recess outside playing on the swings, playing hide and go seek, playing on the see-saw, and just having the most fun in the world. Now that I’m older, school isn’t as fun like it used to be for me. It can be boring, too hard, to much homework, or just plain nerve racking. I realize that it is not going to be like that anymore because I’m getting older and school now, is all work and no play. However, I do miss the way it used to be for me, and I’m sure that it is the same for other people my age or older.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Links

One study found that teens listened to music an average of 40 hours per week. ... to discuss the effects of music lyrics on children and adolescents. ...


~*~The Effects of Violent Music on Children and Adolescents~*~ Donald F. Roberts, Peter G. Christenson, and Douglas A. Gentile 2003


~*~Music in Modern Society~*~ (Part I) and Sound & Music in Computer Design (Part II)
This course is about popular music in theory, youth- and sub cultures, the music industry and effects of music on humans.


The After Life

When I die my body will be waiting on the Lord to take my soul. I will be dressed in the finest things. I will see all of my relatives that passed away before me. Everybody up there will be happy and safe; we won’t ever have to suffer again. Everything I ever wanted I will have. What ever is wrong with about my body will be cured. There will be angels, saints, and even spirits up there. There will also be endless life up there after death.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thesis Statement

The Effects that Music Have On Teens

Music effects teens mood, learning, and even memory. It also, effects the way they dress, talk, walk, act; almost everything. Some geners like rap, rock, hip-hop, hardcore rap, heavy metal etc., have been containing things like about sex, violence, and drugs.

Title: The Effects Of Violent
Music Content On Teens

Source: Copyright 2004,, All Rights Reserved

Document Type: Article

Throughout history the human populous has been attracted to music. Whether it be part of a ritual, an emotional release, religious reasons, or just for listening pleasure music has been at the center of our society. We have used music to express ourselves, tell stories, and let others into our thoughts. However, we often wonder whether what we are saying has an effect on the listening audience. Recently, in the 1990's references have often been made to link violent and deviant behavior to music and certain music genres.

Some such genres include but are not limited to; heavy metal, rock, death metal, rap, gansta rap, industrial, hardcore, and alternative music. During the last decade we have seen music lyrics become more and more violent and sexually explicit. Experts argue that this can cause problems in children and adolescents. Studies show that the average teenager listens to approximately 40 hours of music in a given week. One is to assume that somewhere in the mix a child is going to hear something derogatory or objectionable, as it has become the norm in todays society.

In most music today especially rap and heavy metal most of the lyrics contain references to violence, sex, and/or drugs. While many argue that this is dangerous for children to hear we know that a modern day teenager often faces violence, drugs, suicide, pregnancy, and other aspects of this music. While we find that lyrics may be dangerous to a child we must ask ourselves whether the child fully understands and comprehends what the artist is saying. Teenagers often do not understand what is being said, in fact in one study only 30 percent of those questioned knew the lyrics to their favorite songs and they all had varied comprehension as to what the message was. It could be argued that if the lyrics were not included in the artists booklet then the audience would never know what was being said.

Some lyrics are indeed harsh such as this Nine Inch Nails lyric: I am a big man yes I am; and I have a big gun; got me a big ole *censored* and I like to have fun; held against your forehead I'll make you suck; you know, just for the *censored* of it. Obviously we cannot interpret this as a positive meaning.

A sampling of lyrics from Marilyn Manson include Who says date rape isn't fun, ...the housewife I will beat.., and I slit my teenage wrist, among others. Manson concerts are often grounds to bash religion and rip bibles while fan chant we hate love, we love hate. Other songs that have overtones of violence include slap-a-ho by Dove Shack and another song sung by death metal band Cannibal Corpse in which they make reference to masturbating with a dead womans head.

Avid music lovers attest that they words sung in these songs are just words and or no different that poetry printed in literature books. No studies to date have concluded that listening to a song that speaks of death will make a teenager want to go out and kill. Do these kinds of lyrics breed todays children to be killers and to be sexually promiscuous? Yes, and no, depending on who you speak to.

Listening to music does not drive people to kill, and no proof of such has been offered. In fact, one teacher speaks of a student who wore a Metallica shirt everyday to school and wrote lyrics with foul language, but was often seen sitting in the front row at Sunday mass with his mother in a nice suit. The same people who go out to see Black Sabbath and Motley Crue are the same people who handle world finance and international affairs, it is just their choice in music.

Studies that use music videos on the other hand show an increased tolerance in deviant behavior among both males and females. Music videos add reinforcement to what is being heard with the use of visuals. Now an extra sense is being used. Videos often exhibit sexual innuendo, acts of aggression, and gender stereotypes. Studies showed that men have a tolerable attitude as to what is violent and what is too far in sexual advances. Women have less of a tolerance. Studies have also found that heavy metal music and gansta rap influence mens attitudes towards women and that increased exposure to videos containing interpersonal violence against women tended to increase men's acceptance of rape myths such as she was dressing like she wanted it or she brought it on herself.

In contrast, women's beliefs decreased and they felt that men were coming on too strong and being to aggressive. Another study conducted on college campuses in the northwestern United States involved men and women watching various music videos and then answering a set of questions afterwards. One video was The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson which depicts a man stalking a woman who then becomes infatuated in his game of pursuit.

The other was The Stand by REM which only showed the band on-stage playing instruments. In questions answered after the videos men said it was necessary to pursue the woman to such an extent while women thought it was annoying and/or disturbing. Men scored higher on a attitudes for sexual overtones, while surprisingly women scored slightly higher on the acceptance of interpersonal violence. The studies did conclude that women who were often subjected to violent music videos were more accepting of violence than those who have not had constant viewing or listening to such lyrics and images. It also showed that men had a greater acceptance of sexual stereotyping and rape myths after being subjected to the videos.

Many methods of behavior modification have been suggested in order to keep this music from causing harm or hurting anyone individuals. Many arguments can be made as to whether the music should be censored or if it is unconstitutional to do. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends different types of behavior modification to combat the harmful effects of this music. One such idea is as simple as having parents be aware as to what their children are listening to, and to discuss anything they deem objectionable. This would be a positive way to relate emotions to the songs.

Another idea proposed is labeling of content in compact discs. It would be labeled outside as to what the lyrics contained (i.e. language, sex, drugs). It has also been suggested that groups as well as individuals approach record companies, music studies, and artists and ask them to consider the ramifications of their music on their audience and market it accordingly and in a favorable manner. Ideas have been proposed to set up research studies to further investigate the effects of explicit music on the behavior of teenagers. One of the most effective ideas proposed is as simple as people accept that this music is an art form and a means of self-expression and emotional release and treat it as such. Just as with rock and roll and Elvis Presley people will always find something wrong with the music that others listen to.